Monday, March 28, 2016

Jack Dorsey Denies The Accusation That Twitter Censors User Data

The CEO of the micro blogging site is denying the accusation that the platform censors users and even the rumor of the 140 character limit going away

The CEO and co-founder of Twitter Incorporation, Jack Dorsey is denying the accusations that were made of the platform censoring users at an interviews on the Today show, this Friday. He also denied and silenced the rumors once and for all regarding the uplifting of the limitation of 140 characters on tweets. The rumors states that the micro blogging site might remove the 140 character limit and make to 10,000 instead, but he informed the TODAY show that nothing of that sort is going to happen.
The social media network is sticking to its roots when it comes to the 140 character limit on tweets that it has had since it was launched. The rumors of uplifting this limitation have finally come to a sad ending for users who like to post longer tweets without limitations. Since this is not going to happen and the 140 limit is going to stay according to the CEO of the social media platform’s interview. But there were users who were not happy about the rumors and thought that the company should stick to the limit, these users must be happy to hear that that is not going to happen, at least for now.
The social media site was being accused of censoring users, which Jack Dorsey denied strongly by saying, ‘Absolutely not’. He informed that the company is about controlling, but users can follow whoever they please and all the platform does is make these users see what the important things are on the site.
A high profile user of the site, Breitbart Milo Yiannopoulos recently lost his verification tick from his account, which made him accuse Twitter Inc. of ‘gearing up to purge conservatives’. The tick mark was lost due to violations of the policies of the micro blogging site, however none of these violation specifically made public or are known. Milo tweeted his reaction to losing the verification symbol by tweeting, ‘I have been sat on the naughty table!’ and many more.
Dorsey on the other hand informed that no one has personally ever been blocked by him on the social media network, since he believes in freedom of speech and is always interested in what users say. But Milo is not convinced and believes that this removal of the verification mark is simply a warning that his account is about to get blocked by the social media advertising company.
According to the CEO of the company, freedom of speech is highly important but the 140 character limit is staying meaning, that whatever users want to express they ‘freely’ can but staying in the limitation of 140 characters.

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